Šta to (de)motiviše žene da uđu u svet preduzetništva?

Najčešći motiv koji vodi žene ka odluci da postanu preduzetnice u 68% slučajeva je nemogućnost pronalaženja novog radnog mesta. Kod žena koje su mlađe od 30 godina, nepostojanje drugih poslovnih prilika je bio razlog za ulazak u svet preduzetništva u 51% slučajeva. Ostale ispitanice su kao razlog za ulazak u svet biznisa navele želju za nezavisnošću, želju za povećanjem prihoda, bolji balans između privatnog i profesionalnog života.
Prema istraživanju „ Rodna analiza ekonomskih programa i finansijskih mera u Srbiji“ iz 2016. godine koje je za potrebe UN Women sproveo NALED, najdominantniji motiv za žene koje se upuštaju u preduzetništvo, pominje se upravo balans privatnog i poslovnog života. Žene su više od muškaraca opterećene neplaćenim kućnim poslovima, što utiče i na prihodovnu stranu, jer primaju značajno niže plate i penzije od muškaraca. Rezultati projekta su pokazali da su žene vlasnice svega 31% preduzetničkih radnji u Srbiji. Među preduzećima koja su do sada dobila bilo kakva finansijska sredstva na konkursima za podršku razvoju biznisa, tek je svaka peta vlasnica.

Izvor: Unsplash

Kako navodi NALED, u periodu od 2016. do 2018. godine, na republičkom nivou je organizovano šest konkursa za dodelu bespovratnih sredstava, kako bi se rasporedilo nešto više od milijardu dinara. Od toga je 841,5 miliona pripalo preduzećima u vlasništvu muškaraca, a svega 187,3 miliona preduzetnicama. Samo 17,9% ukupnog fonda je raspoređeno preduzećima čije su vlasnice žene, odnosno na svaki dinar koji je dodeljen ženama, 4,6 dinara je otišlo drugom polu.
Ono što je dodatno poražavajuće je da ih daleko manje ima na rukovodećim, menadžerskim mestima, kao i da obično registruju preduzetničke radnje, umesto privrednih društava, koji imaju prednost na konkursima za podsticajne mere. Prepreke na koje žene nailaze najčešće su postavljene u uslovima konkursa: kriterijumi su mahom usmereni ka dodeli novca prerađivačkim i izvoznim delatnostima – gde su žene tradicionalno manje zastupljene.
Takođe, programi su najčešće otvoreni za privredna društva firme dok su žene sklonije osnivanju preduzetničkih radnji. Specifičnost ženskog preduzetništva je taj što su to uglavnom mikrobiznisi (zapošljavaju do 10 osoba), najčešće su u udruženjima na rukovodećim pozicijama, a potom i u uslužnim delatnostima, kao što su frizerski i kozmetički saloni, računovodstveni, knjigovodstveni i revizorski poslovi, restorani i ugostiteljski poslovi. Prema istraživanju koje je objavio dnevni list „Danas“, oko 30% preduzetnika su žene, što je isti broj žena i na rukovodećim pozicijama, u korist 70% muškaraca. Ipak, žene prednjače u drugoj vrsti podataka – 40% preduzetnika koji ugase svoj biznis u prvih pet godina postojanja su upravo – žene.

Izazovi za žene u preduzetništvu

Od značajnijih „izazova“ sa kojima se suočavaju preduzetnice, jeste slabo razvijena poslovna mreža, ređe članstvo u strukovnim udruženjima, neprepoznavanje poslovnih prilika i finansijska podrška koju imaju, u trenutku registrovanja biznisa:
-       Trećina ulaže porodični novac;
-       Druga trećina ulaže sopstveni novac;
-       Tek 3,5% preduzetnica je dobilo kredit za početak poslovanja.
Kao najčešći odgovor koji žene sprečava od osnivanja preduzetničke radnje, 60% odgovora ovog istraživanja je navelo pitanje finansiranja. Upravo zbog toga, podaci kojima raspolaže Poverenica za zaštitu ravnopravnosti pokazali su da je za 10% više žena koje zatvore svoju radnju, u odnosu na poslove koje vode muškarci.

Kako „pronatalitetna politika“ destimuliše preduzetništvo kod žena?

U kampanji “Pravo za mame” koja je započeta 2013., a realizovana 2014. godine, moj motiv za učešće je bio da se izmeni tadašnji član 13. i porodiljska naknada, koja je bila prosek primanja u poslednjih 12 meseci pre odlaska na bolovanje, bude isplaćena direktno od strane države, kao I druga socijalna davanja (penzije, dečiji/roditeljski dodatak…). U kampanji koju su inicirala tri udruženja, učestvovalo je 250 žena, mama i trudnica, koje su razgovarale sa narodnim poslanicima tadašnjeg saziva Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije, gde je oko 160 poslanika podržalo inicijativu, garantujući da će glasati za ovu izmenu Zakona, kada na to dođe red. Zakon je usvojen 1. januara 2018. godine, a počeo sa primenom 1. jula iste godine.

Izvor: Unsplash

Na jedno dobro, došlo je više loših rešenja u Zakonu:
-          Proširen je krug žena kojima je omogućena porodiljska naknada, kao što su poljoprivrednice, ALI gazdinstvo mora biti registrovano na njihovo ime, za period od 24 meseca, moraju biti uplaćivani porezi i doprinosi (član 17. Zakona).
-          Ženama na rukovodećim pozicijama, ograničena je isplata porodiljske naknade na maksimalno tri prosečne plate.
-          Preduzetnicama za svako dete, porodiljsko odsustvo traje samo godinu dana, bez obzira na redosled rađanja dece – da li je prvo, drugo ili treće, kao što je slučaj sa drugim kategorijama žena. Za vreme korišćenja porodiljskog odsustva, preduzetnica mora imenovati poslovođu, kako bi posao nastavio da radi. Majka – porodilja dobija samo neto deo naknade, budući da joj država ne isplaćuje poreze i doprinose.
-          U članu 12. sadašnjeg Zakona, postojao je „izbor“ za decu roditelja sa smetnjama u razvoju, da ukoliko koriste naknadu za vreme sprečenosti za rad zbog nege deteta, nemaju pravo na pomoć i negu drugog lica i obrnuto.
-          Na problematičnu primenu Zakona o finansijskoj podršci porodici sa decom više puta su ukazivali Poverenica za zaštitu ravnopravnosti, organizacije civilnog društva, čak i narodni poslanici koji su podnosili ocenu ustavnosti pred Ustavnim sudom.

Umesto zaključka

Društveni kontekst ne pruža uslove za ostvarivanje prava rada i da su „izazovi“ koji se nameću ženama daleko složeniji, da bi se na njih odgovorilo kratkoročnim merama, kao što su subvencije i/ili krediti. Stvaranje klime koja stimuliše (samo)zapošljavanje žena i stvara preduslove za adekvatnu brigu o deci, upravo je najbolja dugoročna mera pronatalitetne politike na kojoj državne institucije treba da rade.
Na samom kraju, istrajava utisak da podrška ženskom preduzetništvu ima višestruke posledice po društvo:
-          Osim većeg stepena zapošljavanja,
-          Promoviše učešće žena na tržištu rada i kao direktnu posledicu ima
-          Bolji balans privatnog i poslovnog života.
Sve mere „pozitivne diskriminacije“ nisu samo poželjne, već neophodne, kako bi se moglo govoriti o što više uspešnih primera preduzetnica u Srbiji.

What (de)motivates women to enter the world of entrepreneurship?

The most common motif that leads women in the decision to become entrepreneurs in 68% of cases is the inability to find a new job. For women under the age of 30, the lack of other business opportunities was the reason for entering the world of entrepreneurship in 51% of cases. Other respondents cited the desire for independence, the desire to increase income, and a better balance between private and professional life as the reason for entering the world of business.

According to the research "Gender analysis of economic programs and financial measures in Serbia" from 2016, conducted for the needs of UN Women by NALED, the most dominant motive for women who engage in entrepreneurship, the balance of private and business life is mentioned. Women are more burdened than men with unpaid household chores, which also affects the income side because they receive significantly lower salaries and pensions than men. The results of the project showed that women own only 31% of entrepreneurial shops in Serbia. Among the companies that have so far received any financial resources in competitions to support business development, only one in five is the owner.

Source: Unsplash

According to NALED, in the period from 2016 to 2018, six competitions for the award of non-refundable funds were organized at the national level, to allocate slightly more than a billion dinars. Of that, 841.5 million went to companies owned by men, and only 187.3 million to women entrepreneurs. Only 17.9% of the total fund was distributed to companies owned by women, ie for every dinar allocated to women, 4.6 dinars went to the other sex. What is additionally devastating is that there are far fewer of them in managerial positions, as well as that they usually register entrepreneurial activities, instead of companies, which have an advantage in competitions for incentive measures. The obstacles that women encounter are most often set in the conditions of the competition: the criteria are mostly aimed at allocating money to processing and export activities - where women are traditionally less represented.

Also, programs are most often open to company firms while women are more inclined to establish entrepreneurial businesses. The specificity of women's entrepreneurship is that they are mainly microbusiness (employing up to 10 people), most often in associations in management positions, and then in service activities, such as hairdressing and beauty salons, accounting, bookkeeping and auditing, restaurants and catering. According to a survey published by the daily Danas, about 30% of entrepreneurs are women, which is the same number of women in management positions, in favor of 70% of men. However, women leaders in the second type of data - 40% of entrepreneurs who shut down their business in the first five years of existence are women.

Challenges for women in entrepreneurship

Among the more significant "challenges" faced by women entrepreneurs are the poorly developed business network, less frequent membership in professional associations, non-recognition of business opportunities and the financial support they have, at the time of business registration:

- Third invests family money;

- The second third invests its own money;

- Only 3.5% of women entrepreneurs received a loan to start a business.

As the most common answer that prevents women from starting an entrepreneurial business, 60% of the answers to this research stated the issue of financing. Precisely because of that, the data available to the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality showed that there are 10% more women who close their shops, compared to the jobs run by men.

How does "pronatalist policy" discourage entrepreneurship among women?

In the "Right for Moms" campaign, which started in 2013 and was implemented in 2014, my motive for participation was to change the then Article 13 and maternity benefit, which was the average income in the last 12 months before going on sick leave, be paid directly by the state, as well as other social benefits (pensions, child / parental allowance...).

The campaign, initiated by three associations, was attended by 250 women, mothers and pregnant women, who spoke with deputies of the then convocation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, where about 160 deputies supported the initiative, guaranteeing that they would vote for this amendment. it's time. The law was adopted on January 1st, 2018, and began to be applied on July 1st of the same year.

Source: Unsplash

For one good thing, there have been several bad solutions in the Law:

- The circle of women who have been provided with maternity benefits has been expanded, such as farmers, BUT the farm must be registered in their name, for a period of 24 months, taxes and contributions must be paid (Article 17 of the Law).

- For women in managerial positions, the payment of maternity benefits is limited to a maximum of three average salaries.

- For women entrepreneurs, maternity leave lasts only one year, regardless of the order of birth of children - whether it is the first, second or third, as is the case with other categories of women. During the use of maternity leave, the entrepreneur must appoint a manager for the job to continue working. The mother-mother received only a net part of the compensation since the state does not pay her taxes and contributions.

- In Article 12 of the current Law, there was a "condition" for children of parents with disabilities, that if they use compensation during incapacity for work due to child care, they do not have the right to help and care for another person and vice versa.

- The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, civil society organizations, and even MPs who submitted a constitutional review before the Constitutional Court has repeatedly pointed out the problematic application of the Law on Financial Support to Families with Children.

Instead of a conclusion

The social context does not provide the conditions for exercising the right to work and that the “challenges” imposed on women are far more complex, to respond to them with short-term measures, such as subsidies and/or loans. Creating a climate that stimulates (self) employment of women and creates preconditions for adequate care for children, is the best long-term measure of pronatalist policy that state institutions should work on.

Finally, the impression persists that supporting women's entrepreneurship has multiple consequences for society:

- In addition to a higher level of employment,

- It promotes the participation of women in the labour market and has a direct consequence

- Better balance of private and business life.

All measures of "positive discrimination" are not only desirable but necessary so that we can talk about as many successful examples of women entrepreneurs in Serbia as possible.


Blog “Zakomplikovana u borbi protiv vetrenjača”:

-          „Učešće žena u svetu preduzetništva“

-          „Žena, majka... preduzetnica?“

Dnevni list „Danas“:

-          Na rukovodećim pozicijama samo 30% žena


-          Na jedan dinar podrške preduzetnicama, skoro pet za preduzetnike

-          Women build less effective professional networks than men as they underestimate self – worth


-          „Žensko preduzetništvo – kako stojimo?“

BBC na srpskom:

-          Žene i posao u Srbiji – Majka i vlasnica privatnog biznisa – „nije laka kombinacija

Zakon o finansijskoj podršci porodici sa decom:

-          Paragraf: Zakon o finansijskoj podršci porodici sa decom

-          Kampanja „Pravo za mame“, Centar za mame

-          „O Zakonu o finansijskoj podršci porodici sa decom i njegovim posledicama“

-          Poverenica za zaštitu ravnopravnosti: „Inicijativa za izmenu Zakona o finansijskoj podršci porodici sa decom
